



学生 majoring in early childhood studies learn a developmentally appropriate approach to caring for young children (birth to age 8) in a play-based environment that invites inquiry, autonomy and responsive social interaction while supporting language, cognitive, social, emotional and physical development.


  • 幼儿园老师
  • 日托主任
  • 老师的助手
  • 家庭支持工作者
  • 早期干预专家


Quintuplet Focuses on Early Childhood


For an education course at 南, 索菲娅Zimlich observed a second-grade class, which was something new for a student who was home-schooled as a child in Saraland, Alabama. It was also Zimlich’s first time in the field, a pivotal moment for education students.

“It was cool to see everything in a different setting,” 她说. “这堂课真的很 structured, and the teacher was good at keeping them on task. 我真的印象深刻 通过技术.”

Zimlich was completing work on a bachelor’s degree in early childhood studies. 下一个 would be an internship at a preschool or early learning center.

She was one of five Zimlich quintuplets who enrolled at the 十大玩彩信誉平台. 他们2018年的入学成为新闻. “My freshman year, I’d hear it all the time,” 她说. “People would say, ‘I recognize you — you’re one of the quintuplets!’”

Things calmed down, though some would still catch her last name.


“我一直 我知道这就是我想做的.”


Zimlich has worked with Jaguar Productions (the student activities board) and has been a summer camp counselor at the Student Recreation Center. 为了好玩,她学了舞蹈 类.

“I’ve done ballroom, swing dancing and an advanced combo class — ballet, jazz and 当代的,”她说. “这真的很有趣.”

Her education 类 could be challenging. The more she learned, the more she realized 还有多少要知道的. Take, for instance, the class in language development.

“There’ve been so many interesting things, all the details of development, that I’d 以前从没想过,”她说. “All the different aspects of birth through adolescence, 所有不同的理论. There’s so much, and it’s all really interesting.

“And it definitely reinforced the idea that this is the right major for me. 我一直 我知道这就是我想做的.”


  • Many early childhood studies graduates enter 南's alternative master’s program, which leads to an advanced degree and teacher certification in early childhood education.
  • Many courses take place online or in the evenings to make it easier to balance school 还有其他的承诺. 
  • 学生 who work at an approved child care center or early childhood facility may be able to use that experience as their required internship.



Dr. 丽贝卡·贾尔斯
Professor, Early Childhood Studies Interim Program Coordinator
Department of Leadership and Teacher Education
(251) 380-2899


